Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) is a disease caused by low levels of platelets and clotting. There have been some concerns over AstraZeneca vaccines and TTS in the past, Covishield.
astrazeneca vaccine
In May 2021, the Indian government reported 26 blurred thromboembolic events since the administration of Covishield started. (Express file photo by Partha Paul)
The global pharmaceutical giant, AstraZeneca, has stated that it’s Covid-19 vaccination “AZD1222” could cause low levels of platelets leading to clot formation in extremely rare cases – this drug was manufacted under licence in India and called Covishield.
Liberal Gang attacking Covishield vaccine for its rare side-effects.
— Ankur Singh (Modi Ka Parivar) (@iAnkurSingh) April 30, 2024
But their new gang hero Dhruv Rathee had earlier supported Covishield and also said the side-effects are nothing to worry about.
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This statement was made after The World Health Organisation believed there could been a possible association between Thrombocytopenia (TTP) and blood clot formation when dealing with vaccinations against SARS-Cov because other cases were recorded during last winter season.
The coronavirus pandemic prompted the British-Swedish pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca to grant Serum Institute of India (SII) the right to use the vaccine formula for Covishield .The number of covishield doses which have so far been given bellows more than 175 crore in India.
How did AstraZeneca arrive at this submission? What are some things we know regarding vaccines and TTS? Should Covishield recipients in India panic?”
“How exactly has AstraZeneca expressed themselves?
The company submitted its formal response during a lawsuit it was facing here in the UK through its legal representatives at the trial where they talked about vaccine-induced thrombosis and thrombocytopenia ‘TTS’.”
According to a recent report by The Telegraph, the UK-based media outlet, a “claim was filed in court last year by Jamie Scott, a father of two children who has since lost his job due to a blood clot-induced stroke he suffered after being vaccinated in 2021’s month of April”.
Altogether, ’51 lawsuits have been filed in High Court (in the UK) as families impacted by this wanton vaccine disaster demand payment tantamount to …”
In its court documents from February, AstraZeneca rejected the idea that “The vaccine causes TTS in a generic sense,” but agreed that TTS could result from its inoculations in “extremely infrequent cases.”
“What are the indications of TTS?”
Some of the symptoms that come along with TTS include breath shortness, chest or limb pain(s), tiny red spots on the skin or discoloration beyond where you received the shot(s), dull headache(s), tingling/numbness in body parts among others. TTS might imply reduced circulation in clotted blood.
According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, a thrombosis occurs when the flow of blood through either vein or artery becomes impeded and depending upon the area affected determines the severity of complications. However, there are some issues associated with this like stroke, myocardial infarction, severe breathing difficulties.”
What are the reasons for these concerns coming out now, at this time four years since?
“In fact, these have already been raised. However, AstraZeneca has only recently confirmed this connection with TTS for its vaccines.
” In January 2021, before any Covid-19 vaccines were administered within India, the Government of India had released a fact sheet where it had stated that Covishield (an Indian variant for AstraZeneca) was to be administered “cautiously” amongst individuals who had low platelets counts also known as thrombocytopenia. C
Covid, Covishield
Later, European nations such as France, Germany, Italy, and The Netherlands among others suspended the use of the Astra Zeneca vaccine in March 2021 after first cases of blood clotting emerged.
In the next month cases of vaccine induced thrombocytopenia had been reported by WHO (World Health Organisation) after inoculation with Covishield and Vaxzevria (which was the other trade name for AstraZeneca’s vaccine).
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On the other hand, the WHO noted, “According to recent data available, Vaxzevria and Covishield vaccines have a very small risk of TTS.
Data from the UK suggests that the risk is about four instances per million adults receiving the vaccine, while the estimated rate within the European Union (EU) stands at around 1 for every 100000 inhabitants.”
Has any case been reported about the formation of blood clots in India?
The Indian government revealed in May, 2021 that since roles out for Covishield there have been 26 probable instances of thromboembolic events or clots’ formation into vessels.
The vaccines started being administrated in India from January 16, 2021, so the number of potential thromboembolic events was estimated at 0.61 cases per one million doses or 0.000061 percent as total dose so far.
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Recent statistics show that at least 36 incidences of TTS hasbeen screened and confirmed to have resulted from Covishield by the government’s committee on Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI).
The most recent report from this committee was released in June 2020 indicating that 18 of such cases led to deaths. Almost all the TTS cases were recorded in 2021 ,which marked the onset of Covid-19 vaccination program in the nation.
Covishield heart attack
The possibility had low risk according to the Union health ministry, hence Covishield “remains having positive impact on patients” and “reducing chances of infection or death” caused by Covid-19 infections.
Union health ministry added that so far, there are no reported cases thromboembolic events associated with Covaxin an Indian home-produced vaccine made by Bharat Biotech.
It is theorized that the likelihood of blood clotting emerging within one’s body may be up to 70% higher for those with European backgrounds than for people from South Asia or Southeast Asia, according to some scientific books.
Meanwhile, TTS (Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome) was recognized as a risk of VITT (Vaccine Induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia) by the World Health Organization in 2023.